SD241809.30 - "You've Got The Touch!" [Edith]

“Put that hyperspanner down!” Edie charged across the main engineering deck with more speed than one would hypothesize possible from of a woman of her age and stature. She had caught sight of a young Ensign beginning to work on a EPS conduit on the starboard side of the room.

The young man jumped back, startled and dropped the tool on the deck plating. He looked dumbfounded at the old woman which had approached him to briskly. “Ma’am?”

“That EPS conduit is sensitive. If it isn’t calibrated specifically it’ll act up and power to the ventral-aft thrusters will lag. Lonie hates those mark-eight hyperspanners, but even more so when you try and use them on this particular conduit.” Edie grabbed the tool from the floor and inspected it, shaking her head and tucking it away in her baggy and dirty engineering-style overcoat.

“Ma’am?” The young Ensign somehow looked even more dumbfounded now, if it were possible. “Who is Lonie?.... Sensitive?.... They all work the same….”

“Listen my young friend.” Edie gave the young officer a gentle pat on the back. “You’re new here. I wouldn’t expect you to know these things, so there is no harm done.” She then leaned in awkwardly and whispered. “Just don’t let Lonie hear that you don’t know his name. That’ll really hurt his feelings.” She then casually gestured to the entire area around them. “Lonie.”

“Lonie…..” The Ensign looked around, following her gesture. It took a few moments before it clicked but when it did, he was both surprised and slightly disturbed. “The ship…? Lonie..?” He looked at the Chief Engineer for confirmation on this.

Edie nodded with enthusiasm. “You got it my boy!” She gave the man another gentle pat on the back before she dug in one of the large pockets of her overcoat. She retrieved a small PADD and handed it to the young man. “This is a complete database on what Lonie likes and doesn’t like, classified right down to sub-systems. I did ask the staff at Utopia to disseminate this to anyone coming onboard to do work, but it seems that they have not done so. Here you go.. Ensign?” She realised she hadn’t really even introduced herself.

“Ensign Frederick Lee.” The man accepted the PADD from Edie and quickly glanced over it. He was rather overwhelmed at the detail - every single system was broken down into what device should be used and how it should be calibrated for repairs.

“Commander Edith Freelove. Just call me Edie.” She gave the young man a big and warm smile.
“I suggest you follow the list my young friend. Lonie is a fussy soul. Just keep in mind, he is the one that replicates your food! Use the wrong piece of equipment at your own risk.” With that, Edie trotted back to where she was working before she caught Ensign Lee about to perform the blasphemous act. She made a mental note to get in touch with the operations manager of Utopia and give them a verbal-licking.

The Ensign continued to look at the PADD for a moment. He scrolled down and found this particular EPS conduit . “Use a mark-six hyperspanner and set this particular calibration….” He raised his eyebrow and looked at the conduit and the PADD a few times before walking a short distance to a small replicator. Before he could enter the request to replicate the less advance and older style tool, it suddenly materialized in front of him.

“Alright…. Lonie… I get the message….” He gingerly picked up the tool, slightly creeped out and clasped the PADD tightly. He made a mental note to not deviate from Edie’s instructions. No one little bit.

Commander Edith “Edie” Freelove
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Lone Star


Ensign Frederick Lee
Engineering Officer
Utopia Planitia