SD241809.27 - The Sun and the Moon [Andraste]

Andraste Vaughn sat in the Café Blue on Kincardine. She was at one of the "outdoor tables" that allowed one to soak up the atmosphere of the area while drinking their coffee or tea. Of course, that was mostly because these “outdoor tables” were the only sort that the place had. The interior was still in progress, much like a fair portion of the base itself.

As for the drink, for Andra, it was a cup of simple black tea, flavored with a variety of Earth berries and sweetened with a type of honey.

The Starfleet lieutenant was dressed in her civilian wear, leaning back in her seat with her legs crossed and one sandal dangling off her bare, tan-colored toes. Her dark eyes, however, were far less idle than her feet. She had a PADD on the white, wrought iron replica table and she was reading through one of the latest medical journals. Her attention was particularly gripped by an article about the newly discovered A4B2 Protein in the Sal'kiiran desert runner. This protein had potential medicinal properties.

She wondered if she would have a chance to visit the planet and learn more about it firsthand before the Lone Star arrived.

Two days ago, the doctor had arrived on Kincardine, ready and waiting for her new posting. She had been told that it could be a little while, or maybe not. Who knew? Everything was so precise. What hadn’t been a surprise, however, was the post itself: the USS Lone Star. After her argument with her last CO… Well, she knew she was getting transferred. Her certainty came from the fact that the captain had told her, quite unequivocally, that he was ‘getting her the hell off his ship.’

So, here she was.

And soon, there she’d be.

Reaching the end of her article, as well as her tea, she decided to return to her guest quarters here on base. She recycled her cup and held her PADD to her chest as she worked her way through the corridors. It was fortunate that many bases looked like others, since it helped keep one from getting lost too easily. The various spots of construction didn’t help, though, but she managed. Getting herself lost had only happened once since her transport had brought her here, and she planned to keep it that way.

As soon as she walked through the door, she heard the console chime with an incoming message that she hurried to answer.

"Bel!" she greeted her husband with a broad, warm smile. The two spoke every day that they were able to--Starfleet missions having plenty of times when that wasn't possible--and they hadn't yet today, so his call was no surprise. It had only been a few days since she left him after her brief post-catastrophe/pre-new post sabbatical, but she already missed him. "How're things?"

"Things are good," he said with a matching smile on his dark face, his dark eyes shining with emotion. "Chandra and I just wanted to tell you the news."

Andra's brows knit with curiosity, although she didn't lose her smile. She knew the news had to be something good, since he obviously was in a good mood. "What news?" she asked. "Well, come on, man, out with it!"

He laughed warmly, and the sound sent a warm shiver rushing up and down her spine. Looking off screen, he moved aside to let a second person into the view. Chandra Rees was practically glowing, her pale eyes such a beautiful contrast to her dark-tan skin. "He was just waiting for me," she said. "The baby started moving today!" She grinned so wide that Andra worried her mouth might stretch right off her face, even if the doctor scientifically knew it impossible.

"How exciting!" she exclaimed, but her joy was bittersweet. They were there, and she was here. But she didn't regret her career, and she knew they were home waiting for her. She touched the screen. "I wish I could be there to feel it."

"You were here for the important part," Chandra pointed out cheekily.

"Chandra!" Andraste chastised her lovingly, and without any real chastisement.

Belenus put his arm around their wife. "She's been mouthy since reaching her second trimester. You can't trust that she's going to keep any of her thoughts to herself anymore."

Chandra did not look at all apologetic.

Andra swallowed hard against the emotions, the longing, rising in her chest. "I hope I'll be able to get back for the birth," she said. "After all, I have to make sure that Belenus doesn't slip in any silly names onto the birth record." (He looked mock-offended.) Another message chime popped up and she sighed. "I have to go, but I'll call again soon. You take care of our lady, Belenus. I'll hear about it if you're not holding up your end of the bargain."

"I'm wounded!" he exclaimed, without real rancor.

She smiled and held her hand up to the screen again. "My sun," she said to him. "My moon," she said to her. "I love you."

"We love you too," Chandra said warmly. "Stay safe out there, so you can come home to us."


=/\= End Log =/\=

Lieutenant Andraste Vaughn
CMO, USS Lone Star