Tonx wasn’t sure which it was, her telling Maddie to call her, or her
walking back to her quarters with a sheet wrapped around her, but not
long after she got back, security personnel turned up and told her she
was restricted to quarters. She was being brought up on charges of
conduct unbecoming. A JAG officer would stop by the next day to discuss
her case.
The Lieutenant Commander shouldn’t have been surprised. Sleeping with an
Admiral’s wife was not really something on her bucket list (not that
she regretted her night with Maddie), and pissing off fleet officers was
never on her bucket list. Was it worth it? Running a hand through her
short cropped hair, Tonx smirked. Of course it was.
Unfortunately, being restricted to quarters put a crimp in her plans for
the coming evening. Sinking onto the couch in her quarters, she did
wonder what she was going to do with herself, and then the chime to her
door went off. Intrigued since she wasn’t expecting anyone, she looked
to the door as she called, “Enter?”
“I have to say. . .I didn’t expect to find you sulking in your
quarters,” Maddie said as she came in and leaned against the wall next
to the door.
Smirking, Tonx folded her arms across her chest, “I didn’t expect to see
you after your husband made is thoughts on you and me clear.”
Maddie rolled her eyes, “My husband works fifteen hours a day, gets
maybe a day off a month, and has shown no interest in me in the last. .
.two years? Our relationship is effectively over.”
“Effectively over isn’t the same as over,” Tonx replied.
Pushing herself from the wall, Maddie slinked across the room as she
started unbuttoning her shirt, “What do you care? My relationship with
him is my business. I’m not here for business, and I suspect neither you
nor I are looking for anything more than a bit of fun.”
Straddling Tonx, Maddie framed the security officer’s face with her
hands and leaned forward to kiss her, “You do want to have some fun,
don’t you?”
Placing her hands on Maddie’s hips, Tonx still smirked, “You are going to ruin my career.”
“But not your night,” Maddie whispered.
Good grief, McKenna. You are whipped beyond whipped for a married
woman you don’t even wanna spend your life with. What the hell? Is your
career worth this?
Ok, so you’ve been on the Lone Star for the last five, six. . .or was it
seven years? It’s not like you’re going to become a flag officer.
Besides, Maddie. Oh my.
The internal debate wasn’t so much a debate as it was reflection.
Maddie’s unexpected visit helped pass the time since Tonx couldn’t
actually leave her quarters. The security officers outside didn’t stop
people from visiting her, though, thank the powers that be.
The admiral’s wife left early the next morning with the promise of
returning after she ‘made an appearance.’ McKenna should have told her
not to come back, but forbidden fruit syndrome was a thing.
It was station ‘nightfall’ when her chime rang again. Tonx smirked as she called, “Enter.”
Maddie came in, grinning like the Cheshire Cat, “Miss me?” She closed
distance and wrapped her arms around the Security Officer’s neck.
“You have no idea.”
A few hours later, Maddie and Tonx were laying on the couch when the
chime went off again. Tonx looked to the door, “That’s going to be that
admiral husband of yours, ain’t it?”
“Probably,” Maddie replied.
“Are you using me to make a point?”
“Probably,” Maddie said again. “Do you hate me?”
Tonx snorted, “Hate you? I only know your name and that you’re married
to an admiral. Takes more than that for me to hate someone. I might hate
you if he tosses me in the brig.”
The chime rang again.