SD241810.10 - He Did What?! [Edie/Tonx]

Edie strode through the corridors of the Lone Star with a tad more stomp in her step than usual. There was a certain glare in her eye, a mixture of anger and disbelief. It had not taken long for word to get around on the demotion of Greer McKenna, her dear friend and colleague of the past four years. She wasn’t exactly sure how it happened, as there were several different stories that had disseminated through the lower ranks of the crew. So, the old Chief Engineer had elected to pay her friend a visit in person and get the story directly from her – with several hard liquors in tow, tucked away securely in a satchel.

A few moments later, Edie arrived outside of Greer’s quarters. She tapped the entry request indicator, “Tonx... it’s Edie. I come bearing gifts.”

Part of Tonx wanted to tell Edie to go away, but the CSec knew the CEO well enough to know Edie wouldn't be refused. She was more stubborn than Tonx, but only just, which meant she’d stand there and keep ringing the chime, or banging on the door until McKenna acquiesced and let Edie in. “Come in, Edie.”

Edie walked in to the quarters and directly over to Tonx. She could tell immediately just by looking at her that the ‘talk’ around the ship wasn’t just that, this demotion had certainly taken place. “Oh my dearest.” Edie walked straight over to the taller woman and embraced her, in a sisterly-motherly-grandmotherly way.

Tonx was still amazed that Edie was in Starfleet, much less on the Lonie. The older woman had become a matriarch of the ship, of sorts, and for Tonx, a dear friend and mother figure. She welcomed the hug, and melted into the CEO’s arms . . .in a mother/daughter or grandmother/granddaughter sort of way. “Thanks for coming and checking on me, Edie,” she said, sounding somewhat defeated.

“What the hell happened?” Edie stepped back now, contemplating the various scenarios she had running through her head. “And wait. Who the hell even demoted you? I can’t imagine Felix would go for this!”

Tonx motioned for Edie to follow her to the ‘den’, which offered the best view of the arboretum. The den was roughly 20 feet by 20 feet and had windows from floor to ceiling, giving a 9 foot but 20 foot view of the arboretum. There was one very large sectional, two chairs and numerous beanbags for sitting and taking in the view.

Tonx collapsed on the sectional, motioning for Edie to follow, “Truth be told, without Felix, I’d likely be in jail. Apparently, sleeping with an admiral’s wife, when said admiral ignores his family for that job is a dangerous career move. . .at least when that admiral is deputiy JAG or whatever the fuck the prick was.”

The CSec smirked after a bit...her wicked smirk, “His wife was amazing, though, and she sought my company twice more after our first encounter.” She rolled her eyes playfully, “I should have known better, I guess, but no regrets. According to Felix, he saved my arse.”

Edie plopped down on the sectional as well, curling her feet behind her. "I see." She had been ready to go give Felix a piece of her mind over this but was even more glad now that she had waited to speak to Tonx directly. "So let me get this whole story right. You slept with someone. Who happened to be married. And some Admiral, some man, used their rank and position to ensure you paid for it?" The woman had always been rather impressed with Tonx's escapades and sexual drive in general, Edie couldn't quite comprehend where all the energy came from.

Tonx laughed softly, “Yes. . .some man used his rank and position to punish me because he couldn’t keep his wife happy.” She loved Edie’s easy manner of seeing things as black and white when it came to abuse of power. In many ways, Edie was a woman out of place in time and space given she would likely have fit in with the hippy generation of the late 1960’s from Earth. It was that, and Edie’s warm spirit that drew Tonx to her in forging the close friendship and kinship the two women shared.

"What a pig." Edie threw her hands up in the air. "What right does he think he has to muck up your career because his own relationship has issues?" It wasn't right - it was an abuse of power and position in her viewpoint. "Oh my dear Tonx. I always knew your tastes would get you in trouble some day. What a bastard." Edie kept going back to the thought of this Admiral.

Flashing her characteristic smirk, Tonx shrugged, “No regrets, Edie. No regrets. My tastes will likely get one in trouble again, but I love my life. You told me Karma is a bitch, and so I expect the admiral to get his in the end. It may well mean I ask if a person is married before just jumping in the sack. Perhaps a little caution would be good.” She wiggled her brows, “You mentioned you had treats?”

"Perhaps a little." Edie gave her an empathetic look before jumping to her feet and grabbing the satchel she had brought with her. After reaching in briefly, her hand revealed a neat bottle of scotch. "I was saving this for a special occasion. I guess a demotion and not going to jail is a just cause?" She tossed the bottle at Tonx using a light under throw.

The CSec caught the bottle, her smirk growing, “Oh you know me so well.” She pushed herself off the couch to move to a small bar she had set up off on the side, and grabbed two glasses. Sure, they could have sipped directly from the bottle, but good scotch deserved a glass. Setting the glasses down on the table, she poured out a goodly amount for both of them before sitting back down and offering one glass to Edie. She cradled her own glass as she sunk back into the comfort of her couch.

"So. Do tell me who this Admiral is? And what exactly he does?" There was an apparent innocence to the question but Edie had already set the wheels of motion in her head. Karma would be getting a little help and one way or another, the pig that did this to her friend would pay.

Tonx snorted, “You know, I wouldn’t have known if he hadn’t made such a big deal of this. He is Admiral Theo Rosignal, and he happens to be Deputy chief honcho type of the JAG Corps. You’d have to ask the Captain to find out exactly what the schmuck wanted to do with me before he was talked off the edge. According to our dear leader, I was a stone’s throw from prison, as I’ve mentioned, and likely a dishonorable discharge.”

She paused to take a slow sip of her Scotch, and closed her eyes as she savoured the peaty flavor, “Oh my, Edie. This is amazing.” She licked her lips and looked back to her friend, “And yeah, so I can’t leave the ship thanks to that jackass, and I can’t itch that itch. . .all because of one jackass of a man and a loser of a husband who doesn’t realize he has a gorgeous wife who is dying for attention.”

"Like you said. Karma." Edie raised her own glass and the two shared a toast. For the next several hours, the they shared in some laughter and general banter. If anything, Edie was glad to have helped relieve the distress of the overall situation some, in her own way.

~~ Some time later...

"Commander Harlow. It is so good to see you again." Edie gave the old bald man a wide smile and an enthusiastic wave through the comm channel. She remembered a time when he had been rather dashing and handsome - age, children and the stresses of running logistics for multiple sectors had clearly gotten to him over the years.

"Edie Freelove." There was a twinkle in the man's eyes as he acknowledged her. "It's been what. Eight years?"

"Probably closer to ten. One decade seems to just roll into the other now. Listen.. Henry... I wish I was calling for pleasure but I need a favour. I'm cashing in for Genova IV." During her description, Edie had encrypted their channel and moved it to a safe and untraceable realm. She had also sent him some brief and encoded instructions.

Henry looked over the limited details - simple, effective and rather cryptic but he got the overall meaning of the instructions. "Edie. You seriously want me to go through with this?" He raised a brow as he looked back up at her.

"Without a doubt in my mind. Make it happen Henry. And make it untraceable. I'll make sure to stop by for a drink next time I'm near. Freelove out."

As the channel went blank, the screen reflected the wrinkled and grinning face of Edie. "Karma."

~~ Some time later...

"Did you hear what happened to Admiral Rosingal?" A young Bolian officer with a rank of Ensign talked to her junior counterpart with a lowered voice as the two worked on scrubbing some plasma manifolds.

"No? What happened?"

"Somehow his uniform got laced with denobulan itching powder... He had welts and everything. I heard he scratched his balls so hard he gave himself testicular torsion!"

"No way!" There was an abundance of laughter in the corridor now. "The guy deserves it. He is a prick!"