SD241901.17 - "The Beep Chronicles" [Edie]

“Come on Edie. You can do it!” It was an encouraging voice, but it may have well of been the incomprehensible ramblings of some boring academic.

Edie was drenched in sweat as she attempted to maintain her momentum running across the room. It was a sight to anyone lucky enough to be in the gym/workout area of the Lone Star. She was wearing bright and tight neon leggings with fluffy pink leg warmers - her oversized grey tarty sweater was drenched in sweat as well. Her headband was a hunter orange. Of course, she wore a pair of large oversized plastic hoop earrings too.

Several days prior, after having finished their run around the galaxy testing Lonie’s engines, one of Edie’s officers had suggested they have a work out together. Edie knew she was out of shape and could probably use the training, so she gleefully accepted - naive to her own vast incapabilities in any type of aerobic demands.

The moment this ‘beep’ test had commenced. Edie had contemplated the very meaning of life itself. A few more minutes into it and she was looking around the room for the nearest med-kit, convinced that this would cause a coronary event of some sort which would be the end of her.

“I…. Oh my child…. I can’t…” Edie’s momentum slowed now. The young Rigelian officer, Lieutenant Brail continued onwards, Edie could swear she heard an audible chuckle from the woman.

“Why.. Who would subject themselves to this… Willingly?” She stopped now, panting for breath as she managed to spit her words out. Edie’s idea of a good work out was carrying two margaritas around the room instead of one.

“You.. Go on… I’m going.. To go lie in the corner.. Over there…” The CEO gave a dramatic point to the nearest corner of the room and waddled her way over, happily falling into it on her behind with a satisfying sigh.

It took a few minutes but she managed to gain hold of her breath again. “Lieutenant. As far as you’re concerned. I ran circles around the room. Understood?” She looked up at Bail with a stern grandmotherly approach.

“Of course Ma’am. Circles. Lots of them.” Bail grinned and continued to run back and forth.

~~ Some time later ~~

Edie lie in a tub full of hot water and bubbles. She figured her hard work earlier in the gym warranted a good soak. To her right on the ledge of the tub was a cold and fresh margarita and several PADDs, filled with unfinished reports. She would get to those eventually but she had a much more pressing issue to address.

Felix had tasked her with telling the story of the Lone Star-J during his upcoming Captain’s table event. She was looking forward to the evening and had already started patching together her most fabulous and flamboyant evening-wear dress to date. She grabbed the largest of the three PADDs with her left hand and began tapping away on it with her right, browsing through the available records.

“Oh….” She raised a brow. There were several redacted entries regarding the J. This certainly wouldn’t be as a easy as she had thought. Edie had made a promise to her Captain several years prior that she would not hack into classified files anymore, it had been a former past-time of hers.

It seemed as though that promise was going to need to be put on pause.

=/\= End Log =/\=

Commander Edith “Edie” Freelove
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Lone Star