Lieutenant Harun Touvoy

Basic Info

Character Information


Physical Appearance

Hair Color
Eye Color
Physical Description
Tall and athletic Harun is handsome by Cardassian standards. His lean, narrow jaw and deep set facial ridges give him a sharp, intense expression until he smiles. His nose is slightly crooked suggesting he's been in a fight at least once in his life.


Melkor Touvoy (formerly Dukat)
Jaela Touvoy
Two sisters (Seiji 20, Teaja 16)


General Overview

Harun Touvoy is a Lieutenant in the Cardassian military, for all that means as Cardassia still attempts to rebuild after the devastation of the Dominion War. He has been given to Star Fleet as part of an exchange program to help bridge tensions between Cardassia and the Federation.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Strength: Excellent navigator with a real feel for space and a photographic memory nurtured by the Cardassian state since he was a child.
Weakness: Arrogant and a little overconfident in his own abilities. Reaction time piloting is poor compared to his navigational ability. Tends to think Cardassians are superior to everyone.


He wants to serve the Cardassian people as he has been taught since he was a child. He also wishes to bring honor and prestige back to his family who are still viewed with suspicion by the Cardassian government.

Hobbies & Interests

Loves Vulcan music, puzzles and has recently picked up origami.


Personal History

A grandson of the infamous Gul Dukat, Harun has lived with the eye of the Cardassian government always on him. His abilities for navigation were identified at a young age and the Cardassian state, along with his family, saw fit to begin the rigorous mental training at the tender age of 4.
At 10, like all Cardassians, he gave his molar to the state for identification. His grandmother celebrated the occasion by reminding him to never forget his duty to Cardassia and to the family before telling him her version of the truth about his grandfather.
As soon as he was old enough Harun went into the Cardassian military, such as it was, and immediately was selected to be sent abroad for training in order to nurture his talent. For the better part of a decade it seemed that Harun lived a charmed life being sent on choice exchange programs for training and rising quickly to the rank of Lieutenant.
That all came to a halt when he was called in into a conference room upon his return from a Vulcan astrophysics program. It was there he was informed by six men he'd never met before the true nature of why he'd been allowed to go abroad. Then he spent 18 months on Cardassia for real training.
Harun was among five Cardassian junior officers chosen to go to Star Fleet as part of an exchange program. He spent his first year at Star Fleet Academy learning how to pilot the great star ships and learning Star Fleet customs. At first, he had his choice of ships to serve on but the wrong word in a bar in San Francisco to a well connected member of Red Squad killed any hopes he had of a prestigious assignment. He has now been assigned to the Lone Star.

Service Record

SD240601.08 – Inducted into the Cardassian Military sponsored by his father.
SD240711.14 – Promoted to Ensign
SD240801.28 – Training with Tholian Assembly in navigational engineering
SD241001.10 – Return to Cardassia Promoted to Lieutenant
SD241108.19 – Training on Vulcan in astrophysics
SD241307.01 – Returned to Cardassia. Assigned to Cardassian Keldon vessel Tro’vok Helm.
SD241609.15 – Selected for Star Fleet exchange program
SD241612.01 – Training at Star Fleet Academy flight control and navigational computing.
SD241809 – Assigned to the USS Lone Star.