Ensign Burgundy

Basic Info

Character Information


Physical Appearance

Hair Color
Eye Color
Physical Description
Burgundy was barely fit enough to pass physical requirements to Starfleet Academy, and tends to stay on that brink. He has a bit of a belly and a lumbering walk. Average height, tan skin tone and black hair that he keeps short and well combed. He has thin, dark, vertical lines on his neck and lower arms; something that is common among Prepondrians. Even though he's way past 100 years old he looks like he is around 25, because he recently spent a year in a state of rejuvenating torpor - something Prepondrians do every 40-50 years.


The head male of the Burgundy family
The head female of the Burgundy family
3 younger brothers
2 older sisters


Narcissistic, arrogant, self-serving and unambitious to the point of laziness.


Personal History

Born in 2315 on Prepondria Prime, he grew up as wealthy as anyone can imagine. His family is of the Royal Colours; a group of families closely tied to the regal ruler.

An upbringing like that comes with huge expectations. None of which he ever rose to fulfill. With two older sisters and three younger brothers there were plenty of others left to honour the family name, and the eldest Burgundy son was left to his own destiny for a long time.

That destiny led him, through the path of least resistance, to stardom within the huge subculture of 2D platform video games. When that got old he gravitated towards advanced simulation games. This hobby he spent decades researching and learning everything available in the realms of physics, mathematics, and computing.

His family recognised his genius and enrolled him in a number of academic institutions over the decades, all of which he dropped out of because he couldn’t be bothered to hand in assignments.

Eventually the stardom faded, as the now very much adult Burgundy had drifted away from the gaming arena and into research. When it finally dawned on him that he wasn’t adored for anything anymore he drifted away from even that. The following years were spent as a dilettante, socialising and wasting time. He walked out of two arranged marriages, as he was wont to walk out of anything that doesn’t feed his geek soul or narcissism.

His siblings had kept carrying the family name, but by this time the errant Burgundy was becoming a too big embarrassment to handle. Something had to be done.

The family set in motion a sophisticated scheme of manipulation that ultimately allowed them to cajoule him into Starfleet.

This, they figured, would be great for business and diplomacy. The Starfleet implementation of the new slipstream technology was heavily dependent on new types of quantum computing, and Prepondria had a number of startups wanting those contracts.

Of course Cadet Burgundy was about to fail, but his family soon found course mates willing to feign adulation towards him for recompensation. In even doses this fed his narcissism enough to make him an ensign. Barely.

His first assignment proved to be all work and no fun (in his own view), and he quickly soured to his new reality. His body was also overdue for the rejuvenating dormancy Prepondrians go through every 40-50 years.

On a whim he decided to replace himself with a hologram, cynically figuring that as long as it responded to everything with sarcasm and weaseled out of work nobody would see a difference. Right after setting it loose he lay down on his bunk and let himself fall into the year-long coma his body had so long craved for.

Everyone saw through the hologram, naturally, and when the whole thing was sorted out (with no help from the sleeping Burgundy), he was transferred to the USS Lone Star. While still in a dormant state.

Service Record

2412 - 2417, Starfleet Academy
241706 - 241710, USS Maine
241710 - present, USS Lone Star